September 21, 2010

Aleksander Gierymski - painter

Alexander Gierymski (born January 30, 1850 in Warsaw, died in the period between 6-8 March 1901 in Rome) - Polish painter, representative of realism in painting, Polish precursor of Impressionism.

Gierymski images created in Warsaw period, as "Orange Woman", "A gate in the Old Town", "Marina in Solec", "Trumpets", "Sandblaster" (1887), and other topics are taken from the Vistula and the poor living Town. Great work with the Warsaw period has not found sufficient understanding in contemporary Polish society. He misunderstood and unappreciated in his homeland, deprived of the means of subsistence, he left Warsaw in 1888 and went abroad.

Stamp Issue: 1959-06-29
number 962

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